Rifle-Clear Clearing Barrel

Rifle-Clear Clearing Barrel

Rifle-Clear is the free standing clearing barrel and one of our first models , designed to be portable it comes with integral carrying  handle and indeed allows for positioning  the rifle  bullet trap where required for firearms loading and unloading.

Photo of Clearing Barrel Rifle-Clear Floor Standing Clearing Barrel

The Rifle-Clear is safe to use with all firearms up to and including 50BMG APi

If the unit is to be placed in a permenant position it can be bolted to the floor as it comes pre drilled.

The coating on the Rifle-Clear means that it does not require any weather protection despite the extremes of local weather where you are.

Specification for the Rifle-Clear Bullet Trap

Height 30 inches

Depth  26 inches (base)

Width  9 inches (Base)

Tube    4″ square


Caliber all handgun and rifle to 50BMG API

Each unit is good for 50 rounds prior to replacement (50 BMG 5 rounds)

Click Here for Rifle-Clear  Test Data

Rifle-Clear $1099-00 inc shipping lower 48 States


We Accept Purchase Orders

email sales@clearingbarrels.com to order

questions email sales@clearingbarrels.com

Call 1-866-247-0241




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